Wednesday 27 March 2019

Fan Art [ゼロナイトメア] KingArtz *Official*

Some fan art as a thank you.

Albino Lion

There was an awesome pucture of a lion at the Art Contest.
My dad said you could see the artist's age due to the slightly wonky shape of the lion.
 I decided to draw a lion as well...and my dad said its wonky as well!

Saturday 23 March 2019

Apple Pie....YUM YUM

I made apple pie at baking mad.
It was lovely, we ate it like HUNGRY MUMS!!!

Thursday 21 March 2019

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Painting a doll

Just practising painting dolls, a long way to go.
Making the clothes is much easier.

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Pancake Day

Pancake day and we had breakfast and lunch pancakes.

Cinder Toffee

We made Cinder Toffee in science club. I ate it ALL!

Sunday 3 March 2019

My Art Competion Entry

You can see my art competition entry - awesome isn't it. I also did the drawing behind it.

Machester Medieval Treasue Trail

We spent the whole day doing the 2 hour Manchester Treasure Trail. My brother spent most of the time MOANING!!

Trip to New Mills

 We went on a little day trip to new mills. Its very very pretty put the millenium walkway is still closed due to poo..YUCK!!