Thursday 31 May 2018

On Holiday wanting my bro to walk the plank.

 I've had an awesome time canoeing and paddle boarding in the sea (at the conway centre). The worst part, my dad bought a dingy and my lazy brother refused to put on a wetsuit and made me paddle then tow him around while he barked out instructions.
 I caught these odd little jelly blobs again. They saved me as I dropped one in the boat and my Bro abandoned ship. I love Jelly Blobs
Skipping at my Nanna's Lodge

Sunday 20 May 2018

A bit of Craft

While having a break from studying I made these little cushions.

Bareback riding and playing in the park

I went bareback riding and then took my brother to the park. I had an awesome day but now its time to revise....again...

Alderly May Fair and back to Ice Skating Gold

I finally got back to Ice Skating Gold and then went to the fair and met loads of my friends.
My 6 year old bro is braver than most of my friends, WHY??

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Erza Scarlet Heart Cosplay for Comicon Progress so Far

My dad helped me and we got the pauldrons attached to my Scarlet heart armour. The mad look is my dads fault.

ganache truffles

I made ganache truffels for my friends. Everybody loved them but the melted in the heat of the class and some ended up looking like poo. For some reason I got to bring these ones home!

Sunday 13 May 2018

Fun Weekend

 I made biscuits and went to see Avengers Infinity Wars, It was really funny.  I also went riding with my friend.
We even went to Ashley Hall Traction Engine Rally with my brothers school bear. I learned a lot about traction engines and did some awesome things and went on some awesome rides.

Tuesday 8 May 2018


I made Sufganiyah for my groups project on Hanukkah, I made them as late as possible and they are lovely.

Sunday 6 May 2018

Busy Sunday

I went skiing and managed to JUMP!!
 Video Evidence
 We even leaned to Ski with only one Ski
That didn't stop me riding
and then putting more gesso on my Erza Cosplay (dad is doing the sanding)

Saturday 5 May 2018

Tuesday 1 May 2018

I made cookies for my freinds

Look who ate them when I was at Taekwondoe
My dad dropped me off at the shops and I bought everything myself and walked home...

Spray painting my Erza Breastplate

I spray painted my breastplate and vambrace