Saturday 19 August 2017


I made soap with one of my friends

Broke a dish and set of the fire alarm but it looks nice?

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Huge Hula Hoop


More from Mrs Westooods Holiday Club

We have done Tons

 Painted lots of things and made cool stuff like Jam

Even cool stuff like owls

I was even allowed to do this HUGE drawing

Monday 7 August 2017

Mrs Westwoods Holiday Club

I did all of this as a daddy get well present at Mrs Westwoods Course

We also did a scavenger hunt and played stuck in the mud (my brother escaped)

Friday 4 August 2017


Collecting worms with my brother

After his grasshopper collection

and the venus fly traps

All he does is think about worms and bugs

I wonder why?

I passed my ice skating silver

I was allowed to do it on Tuesday night, Thanks Silver Blades and Donna.