Sunday 30 July 2017

Chaika The Coffin Princess Comic Con 2017 Day 2

 It was Chaika the coffin Princesses turn to go to Comic Con 2017 Today.

Unfortunately Chaika the Coffin Princess was followed by the Joker

 and worse Chaika the Coffin Princesses had a really sore throat

 Unfortunately the Joker followed Chaika the Coffin Princesses everywhere.

 Even when Chaika the coffin Princesses tried to play cards.


 Chaika the Coffin Princesses tried bribing the joker with sweets

Chaika's ploy  seemed to work and the Joker turned into a real boy

But something was wrong and Chaika the Coffin Princesses had to prepare for battle

 The battle raged and Chaika the Coffin Princesses stood strong

The boy was stong but Chaika won the day

Chaika Coffin Princess left Comic Con and the gave the boy a gift

But Chaika had tricked him.