Monday 29 May 2017

Flowers for the Manchester Bomb

 Each class at school made a card to sent to the poor children in hospital

I made paper flowers and wrote a poem, here are a couple of the flowers that were left after.

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Comic Con Manchester 2017 - The preparation. "Vampire Knight Yuki"

Yuki Stands like this my dad says "Meiyi doesn't".

I am going to use this as the base for my Vampire Knight Yuki Scythe....DAD..HELP?

Those E-LEVEL Vampires are doomed.."You're under arrest for drinking blood on school campus.

I got told again Meiyi and Yuki are different ages and Meiyi is not allowed to stand like that.

I made this at school..with glue...

It is a cunning trap, so when my dad puts it on his scanner for me it will cover it with glue

As you can see it worked.


Sunday 21 May 2017

Started Making a Fairy House

Its made out of Art Board and so far I have painted the outside and wallpapered.

Loads of work to do

But I have to start work with my Dad of my Vampie Knight Sythe

Saturday 13 May 2017

Really ill and off school

I felt awful on Friday so drew this to cheer myself up

Its my manga princess