Friday 26 August 2016

Acting Course with Roxanne Pallet and my new amazing friend Racheal

I made a friend called Racheal, she is amazing.

These are my teachers Lea and Cathy and the wonderful actress and singer Roxanne Pallett. She has her own Wikipedia page and even has a flower named after her.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Mums Birthday

We made a party tea, dad needs a rest now after 4 hours of child labour.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Mummy's Present

Mum said the best present is one that's hand made. So I did these for her birthday with Mrs Westwood my amazing art teacher.

This one is my Dads favourite, he says its mum and dad fighting on the beach.

This reminds me of Wales without the starfish

and a bit of mixed media

Saturday 20 August 2016

My Mini Holiday

We went to Wales for the weekend
I saved a Starfish and moved it back to the salt water. Its the first time I have ever seen a live one on the beech.

On the way back my brother got Beemo and I got Jake Dr Martins

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Big Cook 2016 Summer Day 1

We cooked some yummy food and I brought it to Nanna's house

We made fish pie, stuffed mushrooms, harrison special (cake) and bread.

Edinburgh Fringe

After the wedding my parents took me to the Fringe.

Pokemon Go vs the Edinburgh Fringe

It was a hard battle but eventually the Fringe won when it crashed Pokemon Go.

Weddings are Awesome

I went to Edinburgh for a wedding, the first in ages

It was awesome, I sat at the front so I got to hear them say the words and exchange rings.

Saturday 6 August 2016

Ice skating with a friend

When we went ice skating we saw a Couple Dancing together

So we decided to copy them

I am getting better now

Hopefully I will pass level 8 next time

Stagecoach Peter Pan and my Brother

We did an amazing Peter Pan show at stagecoach but I can't show any pictures.

You can read about it on the stagecoach website here

To make up for it, I had a fashion show with my friends and my brother took part

He wore lipstick, a dress and nail varnish and he danced like a professional

Pokemon Hunting and beautiful places

We found this lovely place in Marple and its a Pokemon stop

Marple is packed with Pokemon stops.

Monday 1 August 2016

Last Years Comic Con and Learning to Cosplay

I am still learning, as I'm not even 10 yet but here are some of my previous efforts

The horse (my brother) tried to eat Carrot Meiyi!

I also made loads of friends at my first Comic Con

Meet my Sailor Moon army