Thursday 23 June 2016

Brother tortoises peace and war !!!

Cuddling up to the cage,
Comes Peace on the first chapter of his page.
Then comes roaring War in his fit and rage,
He think its too cold, like an ice age !!!

Both of them are brothers,
but only Peace looks after others.
War is stomping not like others,
I think both should have had different mothers.

Peace is sweet and snuggles at your feet,
but War is like a soldier from a fleet.
Peace is tidy and very neat,
War is messy when it comes to eat.

Their birthday is on the 21st of July,
When I heard their twins; I thought it was a lie.
War will just lie down and cry,
when Peace is brave he tries to fly!  

From the top of the cave Peace stands,
War is bathing in the soft sands.
Peace is standing with no hands,
he jumps ! He flies ! But never lands !

By Meiyi